“I received my LightRider noseband last week. I was impressed with the quality and softness of the leather. I was only able to try it out for a short bit, as we are buried under tons of snow in northern New Hampshire right now. I had been using a mechanical hackmore and a cross under type bitless bridle in the past.
I was astonished at how much lighter rein aids I had to use and the softer, quicker response from my horse. He is a very young 22 year old arab who was very spooky and flighty that day (having not been worked much over the long winter). I had total control despite many large spooks and jumps. I can't wait for spring so I can use it more and try it on other horses!
I am incredibly impressed and will be telling all my friends! I am on a natural horsemanship crusade -training to become a barefoot trimmer and riding all our horses bitless to show the way to others; and will highly recommend your bridle to everyone! I can see exactly why you call it "lightrider". Thanks so much! Jeni Broughan Pike, NH, USA.
"I put my horse in his regular bridle/bit for the first time this season the other day and he fought me hard over the bit. We have both always hated the bit, I just couldn't find an alternative until I saw your site. Today I put him in his regular bridle with the bitless Noseband on and he did great right from the start. I ground worked him for just a few minutes to make sure he understood what to do, then I rode him in an enclosed area. He did great and was very responsive to my commands. Especially considering he has always been hard to handle his first 2-3 rides every spring after very lazy winters. He seemed much happier today, and I must say so am I! Thanks so much." Angelina.
"I bought a bitless noseband from you about 5 months ago. I really wasn't sure what to expect, but now I can give you a good report. The first time I used it on my mare I worked her in the round pen for about :15 minutes and she took to it, so we went outside the pen and got along great...not perfect, but great compared to using the bit. After about the third time riding her I found that she was picking up cues better and was even beginning to neck rein. Now after a few months she is always ready ro ride and work whenever I am, and she is a much smoother ride than before. I'm glad I found Natural Horse World. Happy Trails To You". Dave B.